Older satnavs and such devices won't be able to use America's Global Positioning System properly after 6th April unless they've been suitably updated or designed to handle a looming epoch rollover.
We discovered this week via a posting on The Register that older GPSs, satnavs, and other such devices won't be able to use America's Global Positioning System properly after 6th April unless they've been suitably updated or designed to handle a rollover similar to the Y2K problem. read more ... |
• Retrospective Geotagging
If your camera doesn't have a built in GPS you can geotag your photos afterwards if you've got a GPS track handy.
Some modern cameras, and a lot of mobile phones, geotag photos which is to say that they add the location where the photo was taken to the EXIF data recorded with the photo. Of course doing that requires that the camera has a GPS built in. Phones pretty much always do, cameras not so much. read more ... |
• Death by GPS
Two articles on the Web this week highlighted, in different ways, the issue of over-reliance on GPS.
I've been meaning to blog about this for a while but two articles on the Web this week highlighted, in different ways, the issue of over-reliance on GPS. |
• GPS and Elevation
... or "How high are we really?"
If you have a GPS you'll know that essentially it tells you three things: your longitude, your latitude and your elevation. This all sounds straightforward enough, if very clever, but in fact it's only half the story as things are nowhere near that simple. read more ... |
• What is a GPX file?
Paul looks into the mysteries of the GPX file.
If you use a GPS and want to exchange data with a computer then you will have had to grapple with GPX files. So what are they all about? read more ... |
• The Return of Ordnance Survey 1:50K
Before Christmas we had to drop OS 1:50K map tiles from our mapping application, now they're back.
Those of you who use our GPS mapping application will have been disappointed before Christmas when we had to drop OS 1:50K map tiles from our mapping application and impose strict quotas on the use of OS 1:25K map tiles and aerial photography. read more ... |