
The Old Man of Coniston, Brim Fell, Swirl How, Wetherlam

This is a terrific high level traverse of The Old Man of Coniston along the ridge to Brim Fell and Swirl How, then down Prison Band and a good climb back up to Wetherlam. The return via Swirl Hawse, Levers Water and the path above the Coppermines Valley provides a great end to the day.

The starting point is the rough car park at the end of the Walna Scar public road.

Much of the area of the walk has seen a great deal of mining and quarrying back through the ages to as long ago as the late 1500's. The hillsides around bear the scars and abandoned equipment of somewhat later workings. As well as malachite (for copper) the mines also produced chalcopyrite (an iron/copper sulphide), iron pyrites, and arsenopyrite (an iron arsenic sulphide). The mines and quarries are a Site of Special Scientific Interest.