
Causey Pike and Scar Crag

There can be no finer way up a mountain than one which requires you to grab hold of its rock to maintain forward, and upward, progress. Not too much mind as some people prefer walking than climbing. Causey Pike balances this on a knife edge with style.

Not many fells sport a profile akin to the Loch Ness monster. In fact it is unique, instantly recognisable, and it has to be said just a little bit intimidating once you realise the best way to tackle it is to climb it head on. If that isn't enough to have you running in the other direction, the warm up of Rowling End might just. Whilst the Pike is not visible from the start of the walk, Rowling End is and it is every bit as steep as it looks. However there are no difficulties as the rock steps encountered are easy angled and have plenty of route choices with good hand and foot holds. The last part to the Pike is a straightforward ungraded scramble. No difficult or exposed manoeuvres should present themselves. Once pointed in the right direction Jessie simply walked up. The author had no choice but to follow her!

Stoneycroft and the Newlands valley has a rich industrial history. Just below Long Crag, at the head of Long Comb, was a trial cobalt mine(1). Lower down near the road was a lead mine(2). At the bottom of Stonycroft gill was a smelter which for a while processed ore from Greenside mine in Glenridding. At the height of activity in the 16th century a lot of highly skilled German miners were employed and Derwent Island was bought to provide them with a safe community in which live.

The walk starts on the Newlands pass road, just above Uzzicar Farm. Here there is a large informal parking area handily placed at the end of the mine track.