Written on 24/10/14 by Paul Oldham

Hills Database Updated

We've just imported the latest version of the Database of British and Irish hills which adds another 11,058 hills to our database including another 135 in the Lake District and makes lots of changes to the existing hill data, especially the addition of a new classification (see below). We were previously on version 13.2 and we're now on 14.1 which was released on 25th August. The full revision history is available.

As usual your bagging lists will have been automatically updated as appropriate.

This release adds a new field, for us at least, labelled "Notes". Some hills have these and some don't and it's notes from the people who measured the summit, usually noting things like how to distinguish the precise summit from other features very nearby.

Normally we would give you a list here of the changes to classifications only but this time around it's vast, not least because we have combined the new classifications for:

into one category of Tump as that's what they use descriptively. We've not included this in our list of changes but they have also been very busy with the positions of tops and a lot have moved by small distances so if you want to see a list of all the changes, to names, heights, description of summit feature, locations, and classifications can be found here.

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WalkLakes recognises that hill walking, or walking in the mountains, is an activity with a danger of personal injury or death.
Participants in these activities should be aware of and accept these risks and be responsible for their own actions.